NEA Task 12 : Research Into Film Magazine Contents Pages


Summary of the front covers

Some of the content pages, Sight and Sound and Little White Lies and then Film Stories makes use of a double content page with more information displayed across the contents page however this does not mean that the single content pages are uninformative as they just display information in less copy however remain informative as to where the readers can find what they are looking for inside of the magazine.

The layout and composition of the content pages vary across the three different magazines with Sight and Sound making use of a table layout that separates all of the information into different sections including what is on each page, reviews and then contributions to the magazine being displayed within a column, the other two magazines do not make use of a table layout with Little White Lies making use of a more basic content page layout without lots of copy however just a list of the different sections and topics that can be found within the magazine. On the other hand, Film Stories use a double content page displaying the credits on the first page of the double and then on the second page there is a list of page numbers and information about what can be found within the magazine.

The content that can be found inside the different magazines also varies with the Sight and Sound content page displaying information about Opening scenes, endings and more along with reviews of different films and then a column dedicated to mentioning the contributors to this edition of the magazine and who they are regarding their career and involvement within the magazine. Little White Lies on the other hand only has one section talking about the feature contents within the magazine such as the Lead Review on Pink Flamingos and then Film Stories also has different content with the first of their content pages having a section dedicated towards credits and then the second page having a column dedicated towards the contents of the magazine and then in the middle of these columns there are images from different films that are involved and spoken about inside the magazine.

The typography across the content pages from the magazine also varies as some stay consistent throughout the content page and then some have varied fonts and typography such as Sight AND Sound who have varied fonts and different sized fonts across the page. For example, the left-hand column has bold text to show the topics that can be found within the magazine which is also capitalized and then the extra detail beneath is a font that isn’t bold and makes use of both lower- and upper-case text. In Little White Lies these changes remain consistent with their fonts with the titles of the topics being a bold font and then the extra detail below being a similar font however not in bold format. Then in Film Stories the typography remains consistent across the content pages for one edition however changes from edition to edition as in the first edition they make use of a bolder pink font for titles and subtitles and then make use of the same idea but a slightly smaller font and in blue for titles in the second given edition.

The use of images varies once again across the different magazines as Sight and Sound uses images along with Film Stories however Little White Lies do not use any images on their content pages. In Sight and sound the use of images is little as each edition has three different images each of the different contributors to the magazine edition however in Film Stories the images are much larger as they come with a page number and the images display a scene in a particular movie included and spoken about within the magazine.

The page numbers also vary across the three magazines as on Sight and Sound they are very bold and large above the topics to clearly show the readers which page they need to turn to so that they can find the topic that they are looking for, the page numbers vary once again in Little White Lies as the page numbers are much smaller and less noticeable so that the readers will most likely read the topic before noticing which page it can be found on. This then varies again on the content pages of Film Stories as all of the page numbers are in large and brightly colored boxes across both editions which makes the page numbers very noticeable for the readers as to where they can find the information or topic that they are looking for.

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